
Tigers are found primarily in Asia, inhabiting diverse habitats such as tropical forests, mangrove swamps, grasslands, and temperate forests. Tigers are the largest of the big cats. Adult males can weigh between 220 to 660 pounds (100 to 300 kilograms) and measure up to 10 feet (3 meters) in length, excluding their tail.


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We engage in educational programs to raise awareness about animal welfare issues. adipisicing elit. Also operate rescue and rehabilitation centers for animals that have been victims of cruelty , neglect, or disasters. Engage in legal action to bring perpetrators of animal cruelty to justice.


                    Elephants, the majestic giants of the animal kingdom, 
                    have long captivated human fascination with their enormous 
                    size, complex social structures, and remarkable 
                    intelligence. Found primarily in Africa and Asia, these 
                    gentle giants play a crucial role in their ecosystems and 
                    hold deep cultural significance across various societies.

                    Elephants are the largest land mammals on Earth, with the 
                    African elephant, comprising the bush and forest subspecies, 
                    being the largest of all. Standing tall with their 
                    distinctive tusks and powerful trunks, elephants command 
                    respect and admiration wherever they roam. Their sheer 
                    size—up to 6,000 kilograms in weight and over three meters 
                    in height at the shoulder—makes them a sight to behold in 
                    their natural habitats of savannas, forests, and grasslands.


                    Horses, the noble and beloved companions of humans for centuries, 
                    embody grace, strength, and loyalty. With a rich history intertwined 
                    with human civilization, horses have left an indelible mark on cultures 
                    worldwide through their beauty, athleticism, and unwavering partnership 
                    with humans.

                    Horses belong to the equine family and are known for their distinctive 
                    features—long legs, flowing mane and tail, and powerful physique. They 
                    have evolved over millennia into various breeds, each with unique 
                    suited for different purposes, from racing and sports to agriculture and 
                    leisure riding.
                    One of the most striking aspects of horses is their agility and speed. 
                    They are natural athletes, capable of galloping at speeds up to 55 miles 
                    per hour (88 kilometers per hour), making them one of the fastest land 
                    animals. This innate ability has made them invaluable throughout history 
                    for transportation, communication, and military conquests.

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